
I’m about sick of the theatrics in American politics. Last week the country was in an uproar because our President did not demonstrate enough anger at BP. Today, I watched the CEO of BP get “grilled” by Congress. Really? Is this what it has come to? Exactly, at what point did we lose sight of substance? When did this extreme theatrical staging take over politics? Look, I don’t need my President to show anger. I need him to do a job, in a cool, calm, collected, savvy and adult manner. This is not a 4th grade school fight. I don’t need my representatives in Congress to prepares endelss statements to present to the CEO of BP for soundbite foder for the news media to use. What I need is for Congress to do its job, in a cool, calm, collected, savvy and adult manner. Hold BP accountable? YES!!! Hold MMS accountable? YES!!!! What does accountability mean to me? Certainly not theatrical lectures, but a clearly laid out plan that addresses 1) how this oil spill will be contained 2) how the people in the Gulf will be taken care of 3) and what will be done to prevent this disaster from happening again….whether it is on oil rig or a nuclear power plant.  Governement needs to govern and regulate! Please everyone stop putting on a show…please, people stop demanding theatrics. We need actual leaders, not more people who act like leaders. Stop the theatrics, give me substance.

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